✨A • U • G • U • S • T✨

AUGUSTAdjust yoUr Gaze yoUr Success (Starts) Today!

-Me, Sherrell McLean

Can you believe it’s already August!?  

In reflection this morning I thought of so many things I hadn’t done yet, including not posting in a while!

And I really just had to let it go so I could move forward.

But I wanted to just share with you my perspective and encourage you with this as we enter into this new month:  

Yesterday is done. July is over. Walk into this new day, new week, new month with a growth mindset. Let go of what you didn’t accomplish. Today is a new chance to get it done. Practice self compassion by giving yourself some grace. Reflect. And try these things for this month to make sure you accomplish your goals.   

🕒 Create your plan to spend some time everyday working towards your goal (Even if it’s just 20 mins a day).  

 🕓 Get S.M.A.R.T. with your goals. Make them specific, measurable, achieveable/actionable, relevant/realistic, and time bound.  

 🕔 Set checkpoints to measure your progress and see if you need to adjust the plan. But also to reward yourself for the small victories.   

🕕 Identify and eliminate distractions (people included👀)   

🕖 Make self care a goal by practicing healthy habits (going to bed at a reasonable time, exercising, setting boundaries, taking a day off when you need it, taking your FULL lunch etc…)   

🕗 Grab an accountability partner, (cuz if you didn’t need one you would have accomplished what ever it was you needed to accomplish already 👀. And if you can’t find one you know where to find me 🙂  


Happy Goal Crushing!

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